August 10, 2024 | Campbellsville, KY

Featured Speaker

Shaunti Feldhahn

Shaunti Feldhahn is a Christian wife, mother, author and speaker. She received her graduate degree from Harvard University and was an analyst on Wall Street before unexpectedly becoming a social researcher, best-selling author, and popular speaker.

Today, Shaunti applies her analytical skills to investigate eye-opening, life-changing truths about relationships, both at home and in the workplace. Her groundbreaking research-based books, such as For Women OnlyThe Kindness Challenge, and Thriving in Love & Money, have sold more than 3 million copies in 25 languages. Her books and studies are popular in homes, counseling centers, and corporations worldwide.

Shaunti (often with her husband, Jeff) has spoken around the world, sharing her findings with audiences ranging from churches to women’s and marriage conferences to arena events to youth camps and cruises (yes, those are particularly painful…). Her research and commentary are regularly featured in media as diverse as The Today Show, Focus on the Family, The New York Times and MomLife Today. Shaunti, Jeff, and their two children live in Atlanta and enjoy every minute of living life at warp speed.


8:30 am - Coffee & Check-in

9:30 am - Session 1: Worship & Keynote from Shaunti Feldhahn

11:20 am - Brunch

12:10 pm - Breakout Sessions

1:00 pm - Session 2: Worship & Shaunti Feldhahn

1:45 pm - Conclusion

Abiding in Christ.

Walking in joy.

Life is hard, but Christ is kind and close. And when we abide in the truth that we belong to Him, we’re able to walk in a joy that surpasses understanding. Join us at Handpicked 2024 to rediscover this truth. Be encouraged. Be challenged. Be reminded of the One who gives us reason to rejoice!

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

-Philippians 4:8